AGLOW INTERNATIONALl is a global, trans-denominational Christian organization established in 166 nations on 6 continents. More than 200,000 Aglow members meet together each month through local fellowships, and minister to an estimated 17 million individuals each year.  ESTHER AGLOW is a community lighthouse, and a part of AGLOW INTERNATIONAL.  We serve Des Moines and the surrounding area.
Our vision statement is both bold and broad. It is a statement that encompasses everything we do and leaves expansion for our future. Vision is not about direction. It is about the height we wish to achieve.

Vision Statement

To carry the truth of the Kingdom that:

* Restores people to a radiant place of relationship with God and one another
* Breaks the tyranny of oppression
* Brings freedom and empowerment

Our mission statement is descriptive of what we do and addresses the question of why we exist. These are the things God has called us to do as an organization.

Mission Statement
Aglow International is a Kingdom Movement committed to seeing God’s will done on earth as it is in Heaven. We do this through:

* Mobilizing millions into a company of warriors, champions, and global leaders of significance.

* Establishing powerful Kingdom Communities founded on the fullness of Christ in every nation of the world.

* Empowering people to develop resources that enable them to take advantage of all that God is releasing from Heaven.

* Forming apostolic teams that demonstrate the power of Heaven in the darkest places of earth.
Cultivating a worldwide presence that creates an atmosphere of celebration, impartation, and restoration.


As a Kingdom Community, Aglow International is absolutely committed to:

God’s Presence - Creating an atmosphere and environment of worship for the presence of God to be encountered.(Psalm 22:3)

Relationship - Treating each other with integrity, openness, honesty, non-negotiable love, and goodness.(1 Peter 4:8)

Redemption - Partnering with God for the redemption of all things according to the Gospel. (Colossians 1:13-14)

Freedom - Standing firm against everything that enslaves. (Galatians 5:1)

Restoration - Bringing every identity into alignment with the purposes of God. (Romans 12:2, Ephesians 4:22-24)

The Beloved - Living as a community who knows they are the beloved, and establishes their identity as the Bride. (Song of Solomon 7:10, Ephesians 1:6)

Goodness - Demonstrating goodness as the power of God to always overcome evil. (Romans 12:21, Acts 10:38)

Radiance - Having radiant encounters with God, leading to a brilliant experience of who Christ is in us. (Ephesians 1:17-20)

God’s Kingdom - Expressing the nature of God through reconciliation to the world He loves. (2 Corinthians 5:18-20, Colossians 1:19,20)

Supernatural Power - Moving in signs, wonders, and miracles to demonstrate the heaven-to-earth nature of life in the Spirit. (Mark 16:17-18, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11)

Please visit for more information about how we are impacting the world for the Kingdom of Christ.